
Please keep in mind that I only want DVD-R's recorded with a standalone DVD Recorder, or the original VHS/Betamax tapes.
I can easily tell if a DVD was recorded with a DVD Recorder or just some terrible capture card recorded junk.
This is all I am searching for right now:
I will trade DVD's for vintage metal & horror shirts:
I would be happy to trade for old (originals only, I'm not interested in re-prints) shirts from the 80's and 90's.
Both metal shirts and horror movie shirts, anything from Slayer, Anthrax, Overkill, Laaz Rockit, Nitro, Shok Paris, Sacrifice,
Testament, Leatherwolf, Savatage, Megadeth, W.A.S.P., Exodus, Vio-Lence, Judas Priest, Venom, Cannibal Corpse, or any other
old tour shirts you have that you don't want or need anymore.
Also, old horror shirts. I'm really looking for more Texas Chainsaw, Return Of The Living Dead (1 & 2), Re-Animator,
Nightmare On Elm Street, Halloween, MonsterVision, Evil Dead (1 & 2), Army Of Darkness, Hammer Horror, Hellraiser, Waxwork,
Basket Case, Dawn Of The Dead, Creepshow, or any 80's/90's Horror shirts you might have laying around.
Also willing to swap for original horror posters, promotional items, etc.
I will also trade for original Charles Manson shirts from the 80's and 90's. Also, serial killer shirts (Ed Gein, Jeffrey
Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, etc.), or shirts from the Foxx Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. catalog.
I wear a size Medium and sometimes Large, but I will accept XL or Small if it's something I'm really looking for.
Please, only old/vintage shirts, no re-prints. I can get re-prints anywhere.
Original CDs I'm looking for:
Here's a list of original CDs that I would be interested in trading for. Please keep in mind, I do not want copies (CD-Rs,
mp3s or FLACs). I want the original CDs with the original booklets and everything. I'm also not interested in remasters or
1. INC (Indestructible Noise Command): Razorback (Original Giant Records 1st Pressing CD - GRI-606003-2)
2. Hexenhaus: The Edge Of Eternity (Original Active Records 1st Pressing CD - CD-ATV 13)
3. ADX: Execution Publique (Original Sydney Productions 1st Pressing CD)
80's & 90's Talk Shows (VHS Tapes):
I'm also searching for various 80's and 90's talk shows (original VHS tapes mainly).
Some examples:
-Kane Hodder (Jason Voorheese from Friday The 13th) on the Arsenio Hall Show.
-Any news shows or talk shows with Kane Hodder.
-The Morton Downey Jr. Show (Episodes I'm missing, or upgrades).
-The Howard Stern Channel 9 Show (better quality copies).
-The Geraldo Rivera Show (looking for many episodes)
-The Oprah Winfrey Show (looking for specific episodes)
I am seriously looking for the episodes of the Oprah Winfrey show with the Ninja Turtles from 1990. If you have this
on VHS, I will BUY it, I will TRADE for it. Anything you want! I have a copy, but mine is straight up LOUSY!
-The Jane Whitney Show.
-Specific episodes of The Jay Leno Show/The Tonight Show with Leno hosting (such as the episode with Burt Reynolds &
Mark Summer, all of the episodes with Chris Farley, episodes with Jim Carey and some more. If you have any, please contact
-Early episodes of Jerry Springer (from the early 90's).
Other various TV shows I'm searching for on VHS:
I'm also looking for these shows on VHS/DVD-R:
-Improv Tonite
-E! True Hollywood Stories (Looking for episodes on VHS or straight digital DVD-R quality copies)
-Ripley's Believe It Or Not! (The 80's Show: PLEASE, Not the bad quality .avi file transfers that are being sold on iOffer
and eBay. I can get those right now. I'm looking for either 1st gen VHS tapes, or XP Mode high quality recordings on DVD-R
done with a standalone DVD Recorder. Unfortunately the guy who did these just ripped them as .avi files from the VHS transfers
to DVD-R and someone just transferred them back to DVD-R. I don't want that.
-Make Me Laugh (70's/80's Show)
-Rare Public Access TV from the 80's and 90's
Just any kind of weird old Public Access stuff from back in the day. I have a lot of this stuff, but I'm always looking
for upgrades or new stuff.
MonsterVision Episodes (1991 To 1995) - Pre-Joe Bob Briggs Era Shows:
I am DESPERATELY searching for the pre-Joe Bob era of TNT's MonsterVision shows, from 1991 to 1995!
If you have anything, I would be willing to trade ANYTHING for these!
I'm mainly looking for original VHS tapes. Please, no low quality junk (YouTube, .avi file crap, etc.)
I want full blocks with the original commercials.
As of right now I have the full Outer Limits marathons, but nothing else.
If you have original MonsterVision VHS tapes (Joe Bob era) in good quality, depending on what movies, I may also want
But right now I am mainly after the early MonsterVision episodes.
For example: The episodes with Pen & Teller hosting, the Godzilla marathons (Godzilla Bash '94), the Dracula marathons,
the MoonsterVision marathon, and the Mysterious Island with Bob Denver hosting.
Please contact me if you have any of these, or anything I don't have from 1991 to 1995.
Commander USA:
Looking for full episodes of Commander USA, with commercials.
I already have quite a few, but if you have any on original VHS I would definitely trade no matter what.
Also looking for USA's Saturday Nightmare episodes I don't have.
No bad quality junk though.
Nintendo (NES) Boxes:
I would be willing to trade for NES boxes. I really only need the boxes, I've got tons of games, and I'm missing the boxes
for some of them.
No dented, beat to death, sticker-covered junk though please.
I'm really looking for specific boxes, the horror-related games, Castlevania, Uninvited, Maniac Mansion, Monster Party,
Ghoul School, Dr. Chaos, Zombie Nation (Need the cart and instructions too for this), Ghosts N' Goblins, Swamp Thing, Dr.
Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, Beetlejuice, Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes, Swamp Thing, Godzilla, Xenophobe, Werewolf and a few more.
Also looking for a few others, such as Action 52, Ninja Gaiden, Star Trek, Mad Max, Predator, River City Ransom, Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles, Metal Gear Solid and a few more.
American Headbangers Ball Episodes (Original VHS Tapes Only!):
I will trade for American Headbangers Ball episodes, but only original 1st gen VHS tapes. I have no use for the DVD-R's whatsoever,
I am tired of the LP Mode DVD-R quality junk that's floating around out there. I have more than enough of that. What I am
looking for is original tapes that I can transfer to DVD myself. This is the only way I'm willing to trade for the American
episodes. If you want your tapes back that's fine, but I want to transfer them myself, with my own equipment.
VH1's Forever Wild (With Sebastian Bach Hosting):
I'm looking for all of these episodes, besides the episode with Rob Halford, which I have already.
I am really only looking for these with the commercials intact. There are about 13 episodes of this show total.
And yes, I already own the official DVD, I am not looking for that. I'm looking for the show that aired on VH1 around
If you have these on VHS or DVD-R (only recorded in XP Mode PLEASE! 1-Hour per episode), I will trade 2 of my DVD's for
1 DVD of your DVD's.
I will also accept the original VHS tapes.
Music Video:
Headbangers Ball Europe: May 7th, 1990 - Loud & Proud Show With China & The Cross:
This is the only episode of Headbangers Ball U.K. I am searching for now, I have loads of full episodes with commercials.
This does not have to be totally complete with the commercials, but that would be nice if it was.
I'm willing to trade 6 DVD's for this episode (of your choice). Again, no youtube quality junk, or MPEG-1 crap.
I'm only looking for DVD-R, preferably in XP Mode (I will accept SP Mode in this case), or the original VHS.
USA's Farmclub:
I'm looking for full episodes (with commercials) of USA's Farmclub, besides what I already have.
I am mainly looking for the episode with Korn & Limp Bizkit (Dated July 2nd, 2000). If you have this episode, I will
send you 6 DVD's for this, as long as the quality is good, it's complete with the commercials, and it's recorded in XP Mode
(with a standalone DVD Recorder) or it's the original VHS.
Nickelodeon's Livewire:
I'm looking for full episodes of Nickelodeon's Livewire, with or without commercials.
I really need the entire episodes with Twisted Sister and Manowar. I only have the band segments of those two.
Episodes Of Geraldo Rivera:
I'm looking for full episodes of Geraldo Rivera that I don't already have, with or without commercials (preferably with, but
I will accept episodes without commercials as long as they are high quality DVD-R).
Nickelodeon - 04/30/1992 - Time Capsule Burial:
I'm looking for someone who recorded this whole thing, maybe recorded 30 minutes before and after as well.
It doesn't have to be in XP Mode, SP would be fine. As long as it's the whole thing, and not just the same copy on youtube.
Pepsi Power Hour Episodes:
I'm looking for full episodes of MuchMusic's Power Hour, preferably with commercials and all the videos intact.
Things I am not looking for, or don't want:
1.American Headbangers Ball Episodes (DVD-R):
I AM looking for the American Headbangers Ball episodes, but ONLY on original 1st gen VHS. I do not want copies on DVD-R
I have a very nice setup, and some very high quality equipment. If you're willing to send me your original VHS tapes to
transfer in XP Mode, I will trade.
But personally I am sick to death of the LP Mode quality junk that is being passed around, I don't want that.
I can use the original tapes though, so I will trade for original VHS tapes.
Again, no episodes already recorded to DVD-R.
2.Anything from .avi files, youtube, compressed video, etc.
I am only looking for high quality video. I can understand if a tape is a little old, but I can't STAND pixelated crap.
I don't care if it's the only way to get something, that is exactly why I am still looking for it! I could EASILY pull anything
off youtube, or download stuff off the internet myself.
I'm looking for people who actually recorded this stuff themselves, or got this stuff directly from the people who recorded
3.Live AUD Shot Crap:
I don't want this stuff! I don't really care for live stuff that much to begin with, I prefer TV/Pro-Shot recordings.
I'm really not looking for live stuff in general unless it's listed above.
4.Only Audio Recordings:
I have thousands and thousands of CD's, I don't need audio.
If you have anything I need on this list, or any Music Tomato Japan videos (Not interviews, I only need music videos), contact
me here: EvilDeadRules99@Hotmail.com

